How to Get a B1 Certificate
How to Get a B1 Certificate
If you wish to attend school or work in Italy, you should know that in order to do so, you will need to demonstrate fluency in the Italian language to the B1 standard or beyond. Today, we discuss what you need to know about the process of obtaining CILS Uno (B1) certification.
CILS (Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera)
The CILS Uno refers to the B1 certificate for foreigners. It is one of 6 levels established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. At B1, a person is able to write and speak in Italian independently.
Reaching this level means that a person is capable of everyday interaction on familiar topics. This requires knowledge of indefinite pronouns and adjectives; relative, reflexive and personal pronouns; and common adverbs related to quantity, place and time, among others.
It is not mandatory to have the A1 and A2 prior to applying for your B1. You can take the B1 exam if you have the correct language level. When you take the B1 certification exam, you will be tested on your competency at these beginner and elementary levels as well as the intermediate level.
B1 Is a Spousal Requirement
If you are married to an Italian citizen and wed after 1983 wishing to apply for citizenship, it’s important to know that as of 2018, spouses are now required to obtain a B1 language certificate as part of Italian law. Spouses that are applying for Italian citizenship that got married before 1983 are not required to take an Italian language test.
CILS Exam Locations and Times
CILS examinations for the Italian B1 level typically take place in the months of June and December around the world. If you are in Italy, you can take the examination at the University of Siena, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI), or the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR). There are also several other testing locations approved by the Italian government.
Those who are living in the United States and wish to take the examination can do so by searching for the Embassy of Italy or other certified examination centers in their state.
Important note: Ensure that you pay and register to take your B1 examination at least 45 days prior to the examination date.
Preparing for the B1 Exam
The B1 certification exam tests your understanding of the Italian language in terms of writing, speaking, listening and reading. You will need to invest at least 25 hours into study in order to pass the exam, which is 3 hours long.
There are several ways to prepare to write the exam. Making a list of weekly goals can help to keep you on track while you study. Many accredited examination centers also offer lessons and guides to help registrants study for and obtain B1 certification.
You can choose instruction via online courses and podcasts, or by downloading an app to your phone or tablet. You can also find a tutor for individual lessons. Self-study is also available on an independent and guided basis. Practice exams are also available from several online sources.
Along with taking some form of preparatory class, it’s important to complete weekly homework. It can also be a good idea to check your current level with a teacher, and obtain Italian reading material that matches that level. Practice language learning by speaking Italian with family or friends.
When Is the Best Time to Take the B1 Exam?
The B1 exam is only one small part of the Italian citizenship application process. As well, it can take a few months for your exam results to be processed and your certificate sent to you.
Because of this, it’s recommended that you complete your exam before completing other parts of the Italian citizenship application process. This will give you the time you need to get other required documents copied or scanned for submission to the Italian Interior Ministry.
It can help to speak with the Italian Interior Ministry, consulate or prefettura before taking the exam or gathering documents to ensure that you have up-to-date information on the citizenship application process.
Professional Assistance for Italian Citizenship
Becoming an Italian citizen involves many steps. You’ll not only have to study and take examinations for fluency in the Italian language, but you’ll also need to complete several forms and gather multiple documents. Each piece of required documentation must be completed in full and be accurate; just one missing piece of information can result in your application being rejected.
The Italian American Citizenship Assistance Program can help you in several ways. We can provide assistance with completing the necessary paperwork, gathering required documents, and much more. We also provide friendly and knowledgeable phone consultations to help you reach your goal of becoming an Italian citizen.
Learn more about applying for Italian citizenship through ITAMCAP by completing the form on our contact page, or calling us today at (877) 456-1660.